
The 7th China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Development Forum and China-Tanzania Investment




China-Africa Economic and Trade News: On March 6, the 7th China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Development Forum and China-Tan Investment and Trade Fair was held at the Tanzania International Conference Centre. Mafta Bunini, Executive Director of the Tanzania Investment Centre, Charles Atpi, Director of the Tanzania Export Processing Zone Administration, Tanzania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tanzania's Ministry of Planning and Investment, Tanzania's Ministry of Agriculture, Tanzania's Ministry of Transport, Tanzania's Ministry of Finance, Tanzania's Export Processing Zone Management, Tanzania Investment Centre, Tanzanian Drug and Medical Devices Authority, Tanzania Electric Power Bureau, Tanzania Mining Commission, Tanzania Petroleum Development Company, Tanzania Business Registration and Licing Agency, Tanzania Taxation Bureau, Tanzania Trade Development Bureau, Zanzibar Investment Promotion Bureau, Tanzania Industrial Federation Leaders of relevant government departments attended the meeting. Zhu Jinfeng, President of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce in Tanzania, Feng Zhenyu, President of the Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of Tanzania, Yin Qingri, President of the Overseas Chinese Association of Rwanda, Qin Jinwei, President of the China African Economic, Trade and Investment Promotion Association, Yu Jiansheng, Vice Chairman of the China-Africa Friendship Foundation and other government officials at home and abroad. More than 150 people, presidents and entrepreneurs of the Chamber of Commerce attended the meeting.


京忠智库主席、中国网视台执行台长王京忠担纲主持Chairman of Jingzhong Think Tank and Executive Director of China Network Television Station, Wang Jingchung, presided over


Speech by CCPIT President Qin Jinwei


Speech by Feng Zhenyu, President of the United Republic of Tanzania



Address by Mafthabunini, Executive Director of Tanzania Investment Centre



Speech by Mr. Charles Ateby, Director of the Tanzania export processing zone authority


Address by the President of the Bank of CRDB of Tanzania



At the meeting, the successful practice of China and Tanzania in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" was introduced. Shared the fruitful results of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation; Jointly explore cultural tourism education cooperation; Infrastructure construction, new energy resources, mining development, modern agriculture, medical science and technology, financial securities, electronic communications, manufacturing and other aspects of cooperation; Recommend more mature small and medium-sized factory investment projects; Promotion of products suited to the needs of African markets; Signing a number of economic, trade and investment cooperation projects to promote construction, investment and trade to the benefit of more Chinese and African people; Economic development of African countries. The total investment amount of the economic and trade investment projects signed at the forum is about 200 million us dollars.   



Dongguan Kangzhihui Electric Co., Ltd. signed an agreement with Huafei new energy resources photoelectric technology Co., Ltd. to invest in photovoltaic power generation



Shenzhen topway new energy resources co., ltd. signed a lithium-ion battery export agreement with huafei new energy resources electric vehicle co., ltd.



Guangdong Seagull Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. signed an agreement with Tanzania Chinese General Chamber of Commerce to settle Seagull Medical Equipment in Tanzania Medical and Pharmaceutical Technology Industrial Park


中非金融服务深圳有限公司同卢旺达Alink Africa Co.,ltd签约非洲移动支付通项目

Shenzhen limited company and Alink Africa Co., ltd signed the Africa mobile payment through project


华非汽车改装有限公司、深圳潮商投资有限公司同卢旺达 Alink Africa Co.,ltd签约卢旺达华飞汽车项目

Huafei Motor Vehicle Conversion Limited Company, Shenzhen Chaoshan Investment Limited Company and Alink Africa Co., Ltd signed the Luvanda Huafei Motor Vehicle Project


中非金融服务深圳有限公司同卢旺达Alink Africa Co.,ltd签约成立国际证劵交易所项目Shenzhen Limited Company and Alink Africa Co., Ltd signed the International Securities Exchange Project



Zhongmin Zhengxing (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. signed a cross-border e-commerce cooperation project with Tanzania East Africa Trade and Logistics Center


北京中宇凯明教育发展中心同坦桑尼亚政府官员共同启动   《共建“一带一路”参与国家中小学师生研学旅行课程指引》中国和坦桑尼亚卷Beijing Zhongyu Kaiming Education Development Center and Tanzanian Government Officials Jointly Launch "The Belt and Road Initiative" to Participate in the National Primary and Secondary School Teachers and Students Research Travel Curriculum Guide China and Tanzania Volume


记者了解到,中国非洲经贸投资促进会于2010年在香港注册成立,是一个非政府国际经济组织,多次组织非洲驻华大使到地市参观考察参加活动,多次组织企业家走进非洲考察投资项目,举办了多场中非投融资说明会,中非友谊贡献奖颁奖盛典,中非经贸合作发展论坛,第六届论坛在埃塞俄比亚举办,促成了多个经贸合作项目,占地5.12平方公里的乌干达中非友谊小镇是上届会议签约的项目之一。中非贸促会发起并实施了“非洲家家亮工程”,今年在坦桑尼亚投资建设新能源科技产业园以及新能源电动车和光伏发电项目。The reporter learned that China Africa Economic Trade and Investment Promotion Association was registered in Hong Kong in 2010 and is a non-governmental international economic organization. It has organized African ambassadors to China to visit cities and participate in activities, organized entrepreneurs to visit investment projects in Africa for many times, held a number of China-Africa investment and financing briefings, China-Africa Friendship Contribution Award Ceremony, and China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Development Forum. The Sixth Forum was held in Ethiopia, which led to a number of economic and trade cooperation projects. The Uganda China-Africa Friendship Town, covering an area of 5.12 square kilometers, was one of the projects signed at the last session. China-Africa Council for the Promotion of International Trade initiated and implemented the "African Family Bright Project," investing in the construction of new energy technology industrial park, new energy electric vehicles and photovoltaic power generation in Tanzania this year.
